2023 Kith Care Newsletters

Kith Care Newsletter December 2023 Front

Kith Care December 2023 Newsletter

As the holiday season unfolds and we prepare to welcome the upcoming new year, this edition brings you a collection of articles filled with practical advice and tips..

Kithcare November 2023 Newsletter Front

Kith Care November 2023 Newsletter

As December approaches, don’t forget Medicare Open Enrollment ends December 7th. If you have the original Medicare Part D prescription plan and need assistance please contact us at EMAIL Bonney DosSantos. In this month’s newsletter, discover a promising approach on Alzheimer’s disease; tips for supporting aging parents; embracing healthy habits; options for senior care and their differences; preparing for the holidays; and much more.

Kithcare October 2023 Header Newsletter

Kith Care October 2023 Newsletter

Autumn is here, and with it comes a fresh perspective. At Kith Elder Care, we’re geared up to guide you through the seasonal transitions. In this edition, we’re touching on areas vital to the well-being and peace of mind of our clients and their families: from the importance of recognizing and combatting ageism, to ensuring health and wellness in this transitional season, and fostering enriching social connections. Let’s make the most of these autumn months together!

Kithcare September 2023 Header Newsletter

Kith Care September 2023 Newsletter

We are excited to present to you our Autumn Edition, filled with enriching content to usher you into the season. From safeguarding your health with timely vaccinations and Medicare plan insights to empowering you with knowledge during Prostate Cancer Awareness and Healthy Aging Month. Plus inspiring tips on decluttering your space and resetting your life for a successful year ahead.

Kithcare August 2023 Newsletter Front

Kith Care August 2023 Newsletter

Lifestyles of our Senior Citizens
In honor of National Senior Citizen’s Day on August 21, our newsletter this month is packed with valuable insights and resources specifically designed to enrich the lifestyles of our senior citizens.

Kith Care Newsletter July 2023 Front

Kith Care July 2023 Newsletter

Having a Safe and Enjoyable Summer
We are thrilled to bring you our summer edition newsletter, filled with inspiration and useful tips.
Whether you’re planning to hit the road, explore new recipes, or simply stay cool at home, we’ve got you covered.

Kith Care Newsletter June 2023 Front

Kith Care June 2023 Newsletter

Elder Abuse Awareness Month
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of people over the age of 65 in Philadelphia is expected to increase by 28% by 2030, so too will the need for protective services to help those who are vulnerable to abuse, neglect, abandonment, or financial exploitation.

Kith Care Newsletter May 2023 Front

Kith Care May 2023 Newsletter

National Aging Life Care Month
Kith Elder Care is proud to be a member of the Aging Life Care Association. Being part of this community of professionals dedicated to helping seniors and their families navigate the complexities of aging is truly rewarding

Kith Care Newsletter April 2023 Front

Kith Care April 2023 Newsletter

Parkinson’s Awareness Month
10 Early Signs: Know how to recognize the most common early symptoms of Parkinson’s.

Kith Care Newsletter March 2023 Front

Kith Care March 2023 Newsletter

National Social Work Month
Eighty percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of social workers and 81 percent of those who have interacted with a social worker say a member of the profession improved their situation or that of a family member,

Kith Care Newsletter February 2023 Front

Kith Care February 2023 Newsletter

February is American Heart Month
Approximately every 40 seconds, someone in the US will have a heart attack, according to the American Heart Association. But while heart attacks are common, many are preventable.

Kith Care Newsletter January 2023 Front

Kith Care January 2023 Newsletter

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. It is a perfect opportunity for WHO and partners to raise awareness about cervical cancer and HPV vaccination.

Serving Philadelphia, Montgomery counties and surrounding communities.


8225 Germantown Avenue
P.O. Box 4365
Philadelphia, PA 19118


Phone: 215-880-3541
Fax: 215-318-0075

Kithcare © 2024. All Rights Reserved.